Fillers – Lips

Did you know that beautiful, natural-looking lips CAN be achieved with dermal fillers? However, in the same way, large, luscious lips can be created if that is the preference!

Bizarrely, though, African and Asian ladies with naturally large lips, are now requesting lip reduction procedures. It just goes to show that people are always wanting what they don’t have and are never happy with what they do have.

It’s important to understand that enhanced lips do not necessarily have to look fake and to be aware of what really constitutes beautiful lips. There is far more to it than just large and pouty.

In actual fact, studies shows that the lip proportions vary depending on racial characteristics.

The Caucasian female’s lower lip needs to be a little bigger than the upper lip. There is, in fact, a perfect ratio that cosmetic practitioners need to strive towards when augmenting lips so that the balance of upper to lower lip is in harmony with the whole face as well as fit with the person’s ethnicity.

It’s also a good idea to avoid creating a flat sausage shaped lip. The central cupid’s bow can be enhanced or, even, created in a person who has naturally flat lips- for a more defined pout. The lower lip shape can also be either just ‘pumped up’ a little or it can be enhanced.

Thinking about Angelina Jolie’s beautiful lips, the look of her lower lip can be achieved using HA dermal filler, placing 2 soft cushions of filler, separated by a midline depression- otherwise known as a dumbbell shape!

Another important thing to bear in mind is that if the lips are being treated, the areas around the mouth may need a bit of tweaking so that the “designer lips” blend in with the rest of the face.

Having a ‘trout pout’ really doesn’t do the wearer any justice at all.  This is particularly relevant as women age because having enhanced, firm lips from injectable treatments, on a foundation that has lost firmness and strength, means the lip will fold outwards and not sit well on the surrounding tissues.

Dr ILANA is particularly skilled at assessing the whole face and working out exactly what needs to be done prior to commencing the treatment. You will never leave her clinic with one area that stands out and looks ridiculous.

Dr ILANA’s aim is to ensure that all parts of the face are in harmony, so that you look just like YOU, just a little more refreshed.